Mind Blow

Villa Kramer

3 e 6 Aprile 2019

Mind Blow
Art, Science, Identity and Taste

Explore Tony Oursler'd Identity through a visual and edible psycological journey

First Viewing & Tasting
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
7:00PM - 11:00PM

Second Viewing & Tasting
Saturday, April 6, 2019
10:00AM - 6:00PM

Villa Kramer
(First Floor)
Via Fatebenefratelli 5
20121 Milan


Art, Science, Identity and Taste
Mind Blow allows the audience to explore Tony Oursler’s identity and essence by consuming a video projection, created by Oursler himself, and The Pastry Portrait™ created by Raphael Castoriano. Oursler invites you to indulge in a unique participatory, sensory visual experience by incorporating taste. 

The Pastry Portrait™ is identity in the form of taste. Raphael Castoriano synthesizes character and preferences, translating them to flavors evoking particular ideas in the form of a macaron.