Blue Prison 2005

Peter Halley
Nato nel 1953 a New York. Vive e lavora a New York City

Peter Halley (nato nel 1953 a New York) è un artista americano salito alla ribalta come figura centrale del movimento neo-concettualista degli anni Ottanta. I suoi dipinti riutilizzano il linguaggio dell'astrazione geometrica per esplorare l'organizzazione dello spazio sociale nell'era digitale.

Dagli anni Ottanta, il lessico di Halley comprende tre elementi: "prigioni" e "celle", collegate da "condotti", che vengono utilizzati nei suoi dipinti per esplorare lo spazio e i percorsi tecnologicamente determinati che regolano la vita quotidiana. Utilizzando colori fluorescenti e Roll-a-Tex, un additivo commerciale per la pittura che fornisce una texture pronta all'uso, Halley abbraccia materiali antinaturalistici e prodotti commercialmente. A metà degli anni Novanta Halley è stato un pioniere nell'uso di stampe digitali a parete nelle sue installazioni site-specific. Ha realizzato installazioni al Museo Nivola, Orani, Sardegna (2021); Greene Naftali, New York (2019); Biennale di Venezia (2019); Lever House, New York (2018); Schirn Kunsthalle, Francoforte (2016); Disjecta, Portland (2012); Gallatin School, New York University, (2008, 2017); Museum of Modern Art, New York (1997); Dallas Museum of Art (1995). Nel 2005, Halley è stato inoltre incaricato di creare un dipinto monumentale per il Terminal D dell'aeroporto internazionale di Dallas/Fort Worth, in Texas.

Dal 2002 al 2011, Halley è stato professore e direttore del programma di pittura MFA presso la Yale School of Art. Dal 1996 al 2005, Halley ha pubblicato la rivista INDEX, che presentava interviste a personalità operanti in diversi campi creativi. Halley è noto anche per i suoi saggi sull'arte e la cultura, scritti negli anni '80 e '90, in cui esplora temi della teoria critica francese e l'impatto della nascente tecnologia digitale. I suoi Selected Essays, 1981 - 2001, sono stati pubblicati da Edgewise Press, New York, nel 2013. Gli scritti di Halley sono stati tradotti in spagnolo, francese e italiano. Un catalogo ragionato, PETER HALLEY: Paintings of the 1980s, è stato pubblicato nel 2018 da JRP Ringier.

Le opere di Halley sono presenti nelle collezioni del Boston Museum of Fine Arts; Broad Art Foundation, Los Angeles; Buffalo AKG Art Museum, Buffalo, New York; Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; Museum of Modern Art, New York; Sammlung Marx, Berlino; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Seoul Museum of Art;Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Tate Modern, Londra; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.

Peter Halley
Born in 1953 in New York, Lives and works in New York City

Peter Halley (b. 1953, New York City) is an American artist who came to prominence as a central figure of the Neo-Conceptualist movement of the 1980s. His paintings redeploy the language of geometric abstraction to explore the organization of social space in the digital era.

Since the 1980s, Halley’s lexicon has included three elements: “prisons” and “cells,” connected by “conduits,” which are used in his paintings to explore the technologically determined space and pathways that regulate daily life. Using fluorescent color and Roll-a-Tex, a commercial paint additive that provides readymade texture, Halley embraces materials that are anti-naturalistic and commercially manufactured. In the mid 1990s Halley pioneered the use of wall-sized digital prints in his site-specific installations. He has executed installations at Museo Nivola, Orani, Sardinia (2021); Greene Naftali, New York (2019); Venice Biennale (2019); Lever House, New York (2018); Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt (2016); Disjecta, Portland (2012); Gallatin School, New York University, (2008, 2017); the Museum of Modern Art, New York (1997); and the Dallas Museum of Art (1995). In 2005, Halley was also commissioned to create a monumental painting for Terminal D at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Texas.

Halley served as professor and director of the MFA painting program at the Yale School of Art from 2002 to 2011. From 1996 to 2005, Halley published INDEX Magazine, which featured interviews with figures working in a variety of creative fields. Halley is also known for his essays on art and culture, written in the 1980s and 1990s, in which he explores themes from French critical theory and the impact of burgeoning digital technology. His Selected Essays, 1981 – 2001, was published by Edgewise Press, New York, in 2013. Halley’s writings have been translated into Spanish, French, and Italian. A catalogue raisonné, PETER HALLEY: Paintings of the 1980s, was published in 2018 by JRP Ringier.

Halley’s work is held in the collections of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts; Broad Art Foundation, Los Angeles; Buffalo AKG Art Museum, Buffalo, New York; Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; Museum of Modern Art, New York; Sammlung Marx, Berlin; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Seoul Museum of Art;Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Tate Modern, London; and the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, among others.

Esposizoni personali – Solo exhibitions

Madrid, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museo Nacional, Peter Halley in Spain
Istanbul, Sevil Dolmaci Gallery, Peter Halley
 Fort Lauderdale, NSU Art Museum, Peter Halley: The Mirror Stage
Aspern, Baldwin Gallery, Peter Halley: Paintings
New York, T Space Rhinebeck, PAINTING / SCULPTURE

Shangai, Almine Rech, Peter Halley: New Paintings
Barcelona, Galeria Senda, Peter Halley: Hand-Painted: Watercolors and Drawings
Paris, Devals Gallery, Peter Halley: Apparemment Géométrique, Peintures et Dessins
Brussels, Maruani Mercier, Black Light
New York, Karma and Craig Starr Gallery, Peter Halley: Paintings and Drawings, 1980–81
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, Musée d'art moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Conduits: Paintings from the 1980s
Brussels, Maruani Mercier, Peter Halley: Early Works
Los Angeles, Karma, Peter Halley

Madrid, Lopez de La Serna Contemporary Arts Center, Peter Halley: The Early Paintings
Gstaad, Patricia Low Contemporary, Peter Halley
London, Modern Art, New Paintings

São Paulo, Galeria Millan, PETER HALLEY: NEW PAINTINGS
Dallas, Dallas Contemporary, PETER HALLEY: CELL GRIDS
Montauk, The Ranch, PETER HALLEY: BLOCKS
Sardegna, Museo Nivola, ANTESTERIA (installation)
Shangai, Almine Rech, Three Paintings
Brescia, Galleria Massimo Minini, New Paintings

Kent, James Barron Art, Peter Halley: Networks
Monaco, Galerie Retelet, Peter Halley: Paintings 2000 – 2018
Berlin, König Galerie and Galerie Thomas, Peter Halley / Anselm Reyle
Barcelona, Galeria Senda, Peter Halley: New Paintings
Knokke, Maruani Mercier, Peter Halley: New Works
Aspern, Baldwin Gallery, Peter Halley

New York, Greene Naftali Gallery, Heterotopia II
Munich, Galerie Thomas Modern, Peter Halley: New Paintings
Venezia, Magazzini del Sale, with Flash Art Magazine and the Accademia di Venezia (installation), Heterotopia I
London, Stuart Shave/Modern Art, Still, Peter Halley and Ugo Rondinone
Biel, Biel train station (installation)
Stockholm, Galerie Forsblom

New York, Sperone Westwater, Peter Halley: Unseen Paintings: 1997-2002, from the Collection of Gian Enzo Sperone
New York, The Lever House Art Collection, New York, New York (installation)
Brussels, Maruani Mercier, Peter Halley: New Paintings
Paris, Galerie Xippas, AU-DESSOUS / AU DESSUS (installation)
Munich, Galerie Thomas Modern, Peter Halley. Patterns and Figures, Gouaches 1977/78

New York, Greene Naftali Gallery
Moscow, Gary Tatintsian Gallery
New York, Karma, Boats Crosses Trees Figures Gouaches 1977-78 (catalogue)
London, Stuart Shave Modern Art, Peter Halley Paintings from the 1980s (catalogue)

Modena, Galleria Mazzoli, Peter Halley: New Paintings—Associations, Proximities, Conversions, Grids, (exhibition catalogue, Skewed: Ruminations on the Writings and Works of Peter Halley, authored by Richard Milazzo, Galleria Mazzoli, Modena, Italy.)
Brooklyn, New York, Teen Party, Peter Halley & Tracy Thomason
Munich, Galerie Thomas Modern, Saw: A Suite of Four New Paintings
Knokke, Maruani Mercier Gallery, Metallic Paintings (catalogue)
Frankfurt, Kunsthalle Schirn, The Schirn Ring (installation, catalogue)
Barcelona, Galeria Senda, Halley Meets Hortal

Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Geometry of the Absurd: Recent Paintings by Peter Halley
Budapest, Art+Text Budapest, Diagonal Histories
Geneva, Galerie Xippas
Tel Aviv, Sommer Contemporary Art
Old Lyme, Florence Griswold Museum, Big Paintings

Singapore, Art Plural Gallery
Munich, Galerie Thomas Modern
Jena, Friedrich Schiller University, Prisons
Saint Étienne Métropole, Museé d'art moderne, Since 2000 (catalogue)
Helsink, Galeriee Forsblom (catalogue)

Cincinnati, Carl Solway Gallery, Prints and Editions: 25 Years
Paris, Galerie Xippas
New York, Mary Boone Gallery (collaborative installation with Alessandro Mendini, catalogue)
San José, Klaus Steinmetz Contemporary Art, Recent Works (catalogue)
London, Waddington Custot Galleries, Recent Works (catalogue)
St. Moritz, Patricia Low Contemporary
Dubai, Mottahedan Projects, Direction

Brescia, Galleria Massimo Minini, Peter Halley, Carla Accardi
Brussels, Maruani & Noirhomme Gallery, New Paintings
Barcelona, Galeria Senda, 8 Small Prisons and Other Works (booklet)
Portland, Disjecta, Prison (installation)

Geneva, Xippas Art Contemporain, New Paintings
Munich, Galerie Thomas Modern (catalogue)
New York, Gering and Lopez Gallery, Drawings: Four Decades

Zurich, Galerie Andrea Caratsch, Works from the 80s
Moscow, Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Gold (catalogue)
Knokke, Maruani Mercier Gallery
Santa Fe, Zane Bennett Contemporary Art, Print
New York, Mary Boone Gallery

Brussels, Maruani & Noirhomme Gallery
Helsinki, Galerie Forsblom (catalogue)
New York, Mary Boone Gallery, Early Work: 1982 to 1987
Aspern, Baldwin Gallery, New Paintings
London, Waddington Galleries, New Works (catalogue)
Berlin, El Sourdog Hex, Cells and Conduits: Paintings 1987–2002

Madrid, Galería Javier López, Recent Paintings
Brescia, Galleria Massimo Minini (collaborative installation with Alessandro Mendini)
Salzburg, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Monotypes
Turin, Galleria In Arco, Works for Projects (catalogue)
Turin, Banca BSI Italia, PETER HALLEY: WORKS FOR PROJECTS (booklet)

Houston, McClain Gallery (installation, catalogue)
London, Waddington Galleries (catalogue)
London, Stuart Shave/Modern Art (installation)
Laguna Beach, Rohrer Fine Art, Peter Halley / Warren McArthur / New Paintings / Aluminium Furniture
Paris, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, A Rebours (collaborative installation with Matali Crasset)

Helsinki, Galerie Forsblom, Peter Halley: New Works (catalogue)
Moscow, Gary Tatintsian Gallery, (installation, catalogue)
Geneva, Art & Public
Madrid, Galería Javier López, Drawings
Aspern, Baldwin Gallery
Palm Desert, Imago Gallery

Baton Rouge, Louisiana Art & Science Museum, Peter Halley: Present and Past
Milan, Galleria Cardi, Peter Halley: New Works
Knokke, Maruani & Noirhomme Gallery
Seoul, CAIS Gallery(installation, catalogue)
Athens, Galerie Xippas,Paintings 1995–2005 (catalogue)
Barcelona, Galería dels Angels and Galería Senda

Porto, Galeria Presença
Salzburg, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Peter Halley: New Work
New York, Mary Boone Gallery
Brussels, Galerie Alain Noirhomme
Paris, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Conspiracy Theory

Madrid, Galería Javier Lopez
Milan, Galleria Cardi (catalogue)
Palm Desert (CA), Imago Galleries

New York, Mary Boone Gallery (installation) 
Barcelona, Galería Senda
Barcelona, Galería dels Angels

London, Waddington Galleries (catalogue)
Londo, Waddington Galleries, Works on Paper by Peter Halley
Washington, D.C., Numark Gallery
Miami, Kevin Bruk Gallery

Brescia, Galleria Massimo Minini, Peter Halley (installation)
Rome, Galleria Gian Enzo Sperone (installation)
Aspen, Baldwin Gallery, Peter Halley, Small Paintings
Madrid, Galería Javier Lopez (installation)
Paris, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac

Seoul, CAIS Gallery (installation, catalogue)
New York, Grant-Selwyn Gallery
London, Waddington Galleries (installation, catalogue)
Chicago, Alan Koppel Gallery, Recent Paintings
Madrid, Galería Javier López
Youngstown (OH), The Butler Institute of Contemporary Art

Essen, Museum Folkwang, Peter Halley, Paintings of the 90s (installation, catalogue) 
Zurich, Galerie Bruno Bischofberger, Peter Halley: Small Paintings
Cologne, Jablonka Galerie, Peter Halley: New Paintings
Boston, Mario Diacono Gallery (booklet)
Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Peter Halley: Painting as Sociogram 1981–1997 (catalogue)
Kitakyushu, Soap Gallery  Exploding Cell (installation)
Tokyo, Tomio Koyama Gallery, Paintings and Drawings
Lisbon, Módulo Gallery
Los Angeles, Ace Gallery
Washington DC, Numark Gallery, Peter Halley, Recent Prints

New York, Museum of Modern Art, New Concepts in Printmaking I (installation)
Buffalo, University at Buffalo Art Gallery, Research Center in Art & Culture, State University of New York, The Peter Halley Project (installation, booklet)
Salzburg, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Peter Halley, Three Small New PaintingsGalleria Massimo Brescia, Galleria Massimo Minini (catalogue)
Rome, Galleria Gian Enzo Sperone

Washington DC, Baumgartner Galleries, Paintings and Drawings
Munich, Edition Schellmann, Prints
Los Angeles, Kohn Turner Gallery (installation)
Como, Contemporaneacomo 2 (catalogue)
Rome, Galleria Gian Enzo Sperone
Madrid, Galería Javier López (installation)

New York, Sidney Janis Gallery, Images, Masks, and Models, 11, rue Larrey (booklet)
Boston, Mario Diacono Gallery (booklet)
Zurich, Galerie Bruno Bischofberger
New York, TZ Art, Wall Installation (installation)
New York, Edition Schellmann and Pace Prints, Exploding Cell
Paris, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac (installation)
St. Louis, Schmidt Contemporary Art, Drawings 1977–1978
Poughkeepsie, Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Drawings 1991–1995 (catalogue); travelled to Greenberg Van Doren Gallery, St. Louis; Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago; Kohn Turner Gallery, Los Angeles
Dallas, Turner, Byrne & Runyon, Paintings: 1980–1981 (catalogue)
Dallas, Dallas Museum of Art, Encounters 6 (installation, booklet)

Zurich, Galerie Bruno Bischofberger
New York, Grand Salon, Mono-reliefs (booklet)
Santa Monica, The Broad Art Foundation
New York, Andrea Rosen Gallery, A Series of Rotating Installations: Peter Halley

Cologne, Jablonka Galerie
Dallas, Turner & Byrne
New York, Edition Schellmann, Peter Halley: New Project
Santa Monica, The Broad Art Foundation
Geneva, Art & Public, Works on Paper

New York, Gagosian Gallery
Paris, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac
Des Moines, Des Moines Art Center, Paintings 1989–1992 (catalogue)
Santa Monica, Michael Kohn Gallery
Barcelona, Galería Senda, Drawings

Chicago, Rhona Hoffman Gallery
Zurich, Galerie Bruno Bischofberger
Palm Beach, Jason Rubell Gallery, Drawings
Bourdeaux, CAPCMusée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, Peter Halley: Oeuvres de 1982 á 1991 (catalogue); travelled to FAE Musée d'Art Contemporain, Pully/Lausanne (catalogue); Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (catalogue); Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

New York, 303 Gallery, Kodaliths
Santa Monica, Daniel Weinberg Gallery
Cologne, Jablonka Galerie
BostonMario Diacono Gallery, The Americans (booklet)
Santa Monica, Michael Kohn Gallery, Relief Sculpture

New York, Sonnabend Gallery
Krefeld, Krefelder Kunstmuseen, Museum Haus Esters, Peter Halley: Recent (catalogue); travelled to Maison de la Culture et de la Communication de Saint-Etienne, France; Institute of Contemporary Art, London (booklet) 
Naples, Galleria Lia Rumma

Chicago, Rhona Hoffman Gallery
Zurich, Galerie Bruno Bischofberger
Cologne, Jablonka Galerie (catalogue)

Los Angeles, Margo Leavin Gallery
New York, Sonnabend Gallery

Paris, Galerie Daniel Templon (catalogue)
New York, International with Monument

New York, International with Monument
Currents: Number 7, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston (curated by David Joselit, brochure)

New York, Beulah Land

New York, P.S. 122, Peter Halley: Post-Classical Paintings and Drawings (installation)

Lafayette, School of Art & Architecture, University of Southwestern Louisiana

New Orleans, Contemporary Art Center